1 高级房屋和住房实务实践 Advanced Housing Practice (and Residential)
2 服务系统建设和维护 Building Service Systems and Maintenance for Housing Managers
3 房屋学毕业研究设计 MAHS Capstone Project
4 国际住房政策比较 Comparative and International Housing Policy
5 香港和中国内地住房管理的当代问题研究 Contemporary Issues of Housing Management in Hong Kong and Mainland China
6 国际住房金融和经济学 International Housing Finance and Economics
7 建筑环境法律研究 Legal Studies for the Built Environment
8 住房研究方法论 Research Methods for Housing Studies
9 房屋管理 Contemporary Management for Housing Managers
10 国际公共管理 International Public Management
11 项目管理与质量保证 Project Management and Quality Assurance
12 自然环境与建筑环境的和谐 Built/Natural Environmental Harmony
13 绿色建筑与人类 Green Building, Architecture and People
14 消费者行为 Consumer Behaviour
15 项目开发的规划与管理 Project Planning and Management for Development